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August 2024

RevitalVision has been awarded the winner of the VSP Vision Innovation Challenge

VSP Vision, the leader in delivering access to health-focused vision care, and MATTER, the premier healthcare incubator and innovation hub, announce RevitalVision as the winner of the first-ever VSP Vision Innovation Challenge.

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June 2024

ESA-ISA 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Prof. Yair Morad will be presenting RevitalVision at the ESA-ISA 2024 Joint Meeting of the European and International Strabismological Associations, taking place in Toulouse France 13-15 June.

This event brings together the leading minds in pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, orthoptic, and binocular vision, to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore the latest developments in these areas.
Professor Yair Morad will speak about Adult Amblyopia Treatment, sharing the latest clinical trial results withRevitalVision.

More about ESA-ISA 2024
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June 2024

RevitalVision on Israel21c

ISRAEL21C  interviewed Yair Yahav, CEO of RevitalVision about RevitalVision’s home-based vision training program.

The article beautifully illustrates how our simple home-based brain training technology greatly enhances vision and quality of life for our patients

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April 2024

Improving Vision in Congenital Nystagmus – Pivotal RCT Results – AAPOS 2024

During the scientific program at AAPOS 2024 in Boston, Dr. Idan Hecht presented the groundbreaking findings from a prospective randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of RevitalVision in improving vision in Congenital Nystagmus patients. the study demonstrated statistically significant improvement in distance and near BCVA, and significant improvement in stereo and binocular functions, offering new hope for nystagmus patients, lacking alternative solutions to improve vision.

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March 2024

RevitalVision Post Crosslinking Surgery Study Won the Best ASCRS Scientific Poster Award

RevitalVision’s study on post crosslinking surgery patients won the best scientific poster award at ASCRS 2024, and was selected for a live presentation.

This prospective, controlled randomized study evaluated the efficacy of RevitalVision’s vision-training software- program in improving best corrected vision in stable keratoconus patients post crosslinking surgery, and showed remarkable clinical outcomes!

The results demonstrated significant improvement in vision, with a mean improvement of 2.5 VA lines, as well as improvements in contrast sensitivity function (CSF) among crosslinked keratoconus patients who received RevitalVision treatment.

We thank Prof. Lional Raj, Prof. David Heber and the rest of Dr.Agarwal’s Eye Hospital Research team for their awarded work!

Read the full abstract
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Feb 2024

AECOS (American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery)

RevitalVision’s CEO, Yair Yahav, participated in the 2024 AECOS innovation forum, which featured eight top industry innovations. The forum was moderated by Mr. William Link, PhD.


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April 2023

AAPOS 23 annual meeting- presenting poster with mid term study results

During the 48th annual meeting of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS 23), Dr. Sigal Zmujack’s presented the mid-term results of two new controlled randomized studies evaluating RevitalVision’s efficacy in improving vision in nystagmus and amblyopia patients aged 9-55, which both showed significant anti-suppression effects.

Download the poster
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January 2023

Narayana Nethralaya Eye Foundation – What & how does my child see Conference

RevitalVision CEO Yair Yahav was a guest speaker at the Narayana Nethralaya Eye Foundation symposium on Amblyopia, Binocular Vision, Cortical Visual Impairment, and Low Vision.

He presented a scientific & clinical review on Optimizing Cortical Visual Functions with RevitalVision.

Watch the full presentation

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January 2023

A new published study on RevitalVision treatment

This independent study, which was published in Vision Development and Rehabilitation: COVD’s Digital Journal, evaluated the efficacy of RevitalVision’s perceptual-based vision training program, in improving visual acuity in adult amblyopic individuals beyond occlusion.

Read the full publication (p.260)
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Margalit Startup City Haifa- Digital Health Accelerator

We are proud to have been selected as one of the companies to participate in Margalit Startup City’s digital health accelerator in Haifa.

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Ophthalmology Innovation Source Summit (OIS)

Our CEO Yair Yahave presented at the OIS Israel (Ophthalmology Innovation Source Summit) during the MIXiii Health-Tech.IL conference between 9-10 November at the ICC in Jerusalem.

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October 2022

Presenting at the ACADEMY 2022 SAN DIEGO

The American Academy of Optometry’s annual meeting
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October 2022

RevitalVision at EPOS 2022 Munich

47th Meeting of European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society
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September 2022

Israel: A beacon of light helping with sight

This special feature article in GeekTime profiles innovative optics treatments and technologies from leading start-ups.

To the full article
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RevitalVision will present at ESCRS2022

We will be presenting at the 40th annual congress of The European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) in Milan, Italy, from 16-19 September 2022.


For more information on the ESCRS congress
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RevitalVision at the AAO 2022 mid year press relase

We are proud to be one of the 10 companies chosen by the AOA committee to be eye care game changers and will impact how optometrists will practice in years to come!!
AAO 2022 mid year press relase
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March 2022

New randomized controlled trial on RevitalVision

Effects of Perceptual Learning on Deprivation Amblyopia in Children with Limbal Dermoid: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The study compared 2 groups of children with amblyopia after corneal transplant : One group received standard patching therapy and the second group received patching + RevitalVision.

The group that underwent RevitalVision therapy experienced statistically significant improvement in vision.

Read the full study
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RevitalVision at HIMSS 22

This year, the Israel Export Institute together with the Foreign Trade Administration – Ministry of Economy & Industry will present 18Israeli Digital Health companies. And we are proud to be amongst these innovative companies

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March 2022

RevitalVision will present at the AAPOS 2022 – Arizona

2022 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS), on March 23-27, 2022.

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November 2021

RevitalVision on The Ophthalmologist

Yair Yahav, CEO and founder of RevitalVision, was interviewed in The Ophthalmologist about how we improve vision in adult amblyopia

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July 2021

RevitalVision received reimbursement code in the USA

RevitalVision is a standalone therapeutic vision training software, the only FDA-approved product for market, and clinically proven to improve vision in adult amblyopia (age 9-plus), received a unique Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) reimbursement code from the American Medical Association (AMA).

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3-6 November 2021

American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting

We’re excited to be one of the exhibitors at the American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting – which will be taking place in Boston. Visit us in the exhibit hall at booth #843

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12-15 November 2021

American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting

Come meet our experts at the AAO annual meeting, taking place in New Orleans this November

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RevitalVision, MedinIsrael’e katılıyor

MedinIsrael'de RevitalVision sergisi
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RevitalVision participates at MedinIsrael

RevitalVision in MedinIsrael exhibition
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RevitalVision New Product Release

We are happy to announce the release of our new web vision training software application with RevitalVision new branding. This advance software, which is designed to improve vision by improving the brain visual processing, is easier to use and provides better patient feedback.

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RevitalVision Yeni Ürün Sürümü

RevitalVision yeni markasıyla yeni web vizyon eğitim yazılımı uygulamamızın piyasaya sürüldüğünü duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Beyin görsel işlemeyi geliştirerek görmeyi iyileştirmek için tasarlanan bu gelişmiş yazılımın kullanımı daha kolaydır ve daha iyi hasta geri bildirimi sağlar.

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RevitalVision recieves R&D grant from the Israeli Innovation Authority

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RevitalVision, İsrail İnovasyon Otoritesinden Ar-Ge hibesi aldı

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WSPOS – Ambliyopide Dünya Çapında Webinarı – REVITALVISION sponsorluğunda

Dünya Pediatrik Oftalmoloji ve Şaşılık Derneği
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WSPOS – World Wide Webinar on Amblyopia – Sponsored by REVITALVISION

World Society of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
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21-24 Nisan 2021


21/24 Nisan 2021 PARIS toplantısı

Makale Bağlantısı
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21-24 April 2021


Meeting in PARIS 21th /24th April 2021

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AIOS 2020’de (Tüm Hindistan Oftalmoloji Derneği) sunulan Yeni Bir Yetişkin Ambliyopi çalışması

2020 buluşması, RevitalVision’ın yetişkin ambliyopisinde görmeyi iyileştirmedeki etkinliğini bir kez daha teyit ediyor

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A New Adult Amblyopia study presented at AIOS 2020 (All India Ophthalmology Society)

meeting 2020 confirming again the efficacy of RevitalVision in improving vision in adult amblyopia

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7 Ekim


Nashville, TN, ABD 7-10 Ekim’deki buluşma

Makale bağlantısı
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7 October


Meeting in Nashville, TN, USA 7-10 October

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Tel Aviv Tıp Merkezi, REVITALVISION klinik çalışması için Yaşa bağlı Makula Dejenerasyonu hastalarını işe alıyor

Stabler Yaşa Bağlı Makula Dejenerasyonundan (AMD) muzdarip Hastalarda En İyi Düzeltilmiş Görme Keskinliği (BCVA) ve Kontrast Duyarlılık Fonksiyonunu (CSF) İyileştirmek için RevitalVision® Terapisini Değerlendiren Kavram Kanıtı, Prospektif, Açık etiketli, Randomize Klinik Çalışma

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Tel Aviv Medical Center is recruiting Age related Macular Degeneration patients for a REVITALVISION clinical study

A Proof-of-Concept, Prospective, Open label, Randomized Clinical Study Evaluating RevitalVision® Therapy for Improving Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) and Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) in Patients Suffering from stabler Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD)


    Türkiye Distribütörü:Optik Medikal
    Adres:Meşrutiyet Mah. Valikonağı Cad. Valikonağı Plaza B Blok 177/8 34363 Nişantaşı / İSTANBUL
    Telefon:+90 212 225 90 50
    Üretici Firma :Talshir Medical Technologies LTD
    Hama’ayan Street 2, Modi’in 7177871, Israel